Alterina Hofan airings case only iceberg of the many people with genital ambiguity in Indonesia. but this case shows the irony that people with genital ambiguity still fall victim to public ignorance
As an illustration Alterina prosecutors demanded seven years in prison for allegedly falsifying identity sebelunya women become men in December 2006. Though known as the Alter indrom Klinefelter patients. Patients with XXY chromosomes like the physical features of women, such as breast growth and no appearance of hair in some parts of the body, but androgynous men are genetically.
Klinefelter syndrome is just one of many cases of genital ambiguity> confusion is due to chromosomal aberrations or gene mutations, also alleged there is an external influence. such as the use of hormonal drugs in pregnant women.
Generally the disease is not caused by transcription factors. But for the case of Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), illness of parents who have obtained gene carrier (carrier). CAH sufferers are women who have an enlarged clitoris until it resembles a penis, so often identified as a man. Broadly speaking, people with genital ambiguity can be male with female physical or otherwise, as in the case of CAH. Symptoms vary depending on the stage. Usually, men who suffer from gender confusion to have small testes and penis, accompanied by the growth of breasts. In fact, there is also to have hypospadias or leaking of the urethra between the scrotum (testicles) so that urine does not exit through the tip of the penis. If this case happened to women, the patient will look like men because the breast is not growing, menyeruapi enlarged clitoris penis, development of the body becomes like a man and sometimes berjakun. chances of people with genital ambiguity 1: 4500 births.
Early Detection
genital ambiguity or intersex, in contrast to transsexuals. In the confusion of gender, physical development does not correspond to genes or chromosomes, whereas in the case of transsexuals do not fit with the psychic of the patients concerned. Genetically and physically transsexual patients do not experience the problem, it's just that mental condition does not correspond to physical development.
To overcome the gender bias is needed early detection of chromosome examination and Deoxyribonucleid Acid (DNA) in newborns, in addition to physical appearance, to see the presence or absence of abnormality. In order to avoid detection and legal impact psikolgis acceptable penderitakarena genital ambiguity at a later date.
Under certain conditions during pregnancy examination is also required to ensure the presence or absence of defects in the fetus. This check is done if there is a certain risk to the mother, such as women over the age of 35, never having children who suffer from gender bias and have had recurrent miscarriages. Error identification of sex in the newborn can be fatal front of his mature later. Sebbagai example, someone who is genetically male sex, but life as a woman since childhood, will be familiar with a worldview and a woman's sexual orientation. So when it was decided to be restored to men, not only altered the physical but also psychological side ... not easy.
Psychological musty
Before it was decided to change sex, the team physician should already know the sex chromosomes and in accordance with the psychological aspects of the patient. Patients will experience a long process through various consultations. Usually involved a variety of specialties in the medical team such as genetics, andrology, urology, psychology, psychiatry, anesthesia, endocrinology, radiology, clinical pathology should also be involved religious scholars.
Psychic condition of patients is strongly influenced by the surrounding environment. The existence of society's negative assessment of the physical condition is concerned with making it difficult to shut down and accept his situation, other factors are education and sosilisasi about gender confusion so that people can understand better about this problem. During this time constraint in this disease is low awareness of patients to check themselves.
READ MORE - Gender Confusion
As an illustration Alterina prosecutors demanded seven years in prison for allegedly falsifying identity sebelunya women become men in December 2006. Though known as the Alter indrom Klinefelter patients. Patients with XXY chromosomes like the physical features of women, such as breast growth and no appearance of hair in some parts of the body, but androgynous men are genetically.
Klinefelter syndrome is just one of many cases of genital ambiguity> confusion is due to chromosomal aberrations or gene mutations, also alleged there is an external influence. such as the use of hormonal drugs in pregnant women.
Generally the disease is not caused by transcription factors. But for the case of Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), illness of parents who have obtained gene carrier (carrier). CAH sufferers are women who have an enlarged clitoris until it resembles a penis, so often identified as a man. Broadly speaking, people with genital ambiguity can be male with female physical or otherwise, as in the case of CAH. Symptoms vary depending on the stage. Usually, men who suffer from gender confusion to have small testes and penis, accompanied by the growth of breasts. In fact, there is also to have hypospadias or leaking of the urethra between the scrotum (testicles) so that urine does not exit through the tip of the penis. If this case happened to women, the patient will look like men because the breast is not growing, menyeruapi enlarged clitoris penis, development of the body becomes like a man and sometimes berjakun. chances of people with genital ambiguity 1: 4500 births.
Early Detection
genital ambiguity or intersex, in contrast to transsexuals. In the confusion of gender, physical development does not correspond to genes or chromosomes, whereas in the case of transsexuals do not fit with the psychic of the patients concerned. Genetically and physically transsexual patients do not experience the problem, it's just that mental condition does not correspond to physical development.
To overcome the gender bias is needed early detection of chromosome examination and Deoxyribonucleid Acid (DNA) in newborns, in addition to physical appearance, to see the presence or absence of abnormality. In order to avoid detection and legal impact psikolgis acceptable penderitakarena genital ambiguity at a later date.
Under certain conditions during pregnancy examination is also required to ensure the presence or absence of defects in the fetus. This check is done if there is a certain risk to the mother, such as women over the age of 35, never having children who suffer from gender bias and have had recurrent miscarriages. Error identification of sex in the newborn can be fatal front of his mature later. Sebbagai example, someone who is genetically male sex, but life as a woman since childhood, will be familiar with a worldview and a woman's sexual orientation. So when it was decided to be restored to men, not only altered the physical but also psychological side ... not easy.
Psychological musty
Before it was decided to change sex, the team physician should already know the sex chromosomes and in accordance with the psychological aspects of the patient. Patients will experience a long process through various consultations. Usually involved a variety of specialties in the medical team such as genetics, andrology, urology, psychology, psychiatry, anesthesia, endocrinology, radiology, clinical pathology should also be involved religious scholars.
Psychic condition of patients is strongly influenced by the surrounding environment. The existence of society's negative assessment of the physical condition is concerned with making it difficult to shut down and accept his situation, other factors are education and sosilisasi about gender confusion so that people can understand better about this problem. During this time constraint in this disease is low awareness of patients to check themselves.